The information on this page has been compiled from media reports, social media and notifications from vendors and agents.
Please contact or phone 02 6773 4609 for any additions, omissions or errors.
Entries are listed according to sale dates from January to December.
SUMMARY BY YEAR – Angus Bulls Sold at Auction | |||||
Year | No. of Sales | Bulls Sold | Top Priced Bull | Top $ | Average $ |
2022 | 207 | 11,811 | NJWR138 |
$200,000 | $15,770 |
2021 | 205 | 10,866 | NMMR38 | $280,000 | $13,743 |
2020 | 174 | 8,695 | BHRP758 | $140,000 | $8,106 |
2019 | 186 | 8,141 | NMMP15 | $160,000 | $6,197 |
2018 | 182 | 9,245 | NMMN266 | $54,000 | $6,837 |
2017 | 167 | 9,297 | QHEL36 | $110,000 | $7,634 |
2016 | 158 | 8,405 | NMML133 | $85,000 | $7,375 |
2015 | 154 | 8,103 | NMMK35 | $150,000 | $6,023 |
2014 | 144 | 6,971 | NMMH250 | $70,000 | $4,698 |
2013 | 150 | 7,324 | VICG43 | $117,500 | $4,836 |
2012 | 129 | 6,858 | NZCG31 | $110,000 | $6,069 |
2011 | 129 | 6,302 | VTME343 | $91,000 | $5,246 |
2010 | 156 | 6,684 | BNAD145 | $50,000 | $4,686 |
2009 | 169 | 6,495 | NWPC109 | $38,000 | $4,175 |
2008 | 170 | 6,836 | NAQB75 | $42,000 | $4,126 |
2007 | 174 | 6,784 | VTMA149 | $43,500 | $3,924 |
2006 | 181 | 7,544 | BIEZ214 | $39,000 | $4,499 |
2005 | 158 | 6,656 | VONY135 | $50,000 | $4,286 |
2004 | 154 | 6,160 | VONX060 | $30,000 | $4,036 |
2003 | 146 | 5,448 | NMMW100 | $41,000 | $3,612 |
2002 | 140 | 5,484 | VTMV196 | $26,000 | $4,216 |
2001 | 139 | 5,656 | VLYU311 | $28,000 | $4,379 |
2000 | 125 | 4,979 | CMDT8 | $20,000 | $3,451 |
1999 | 121 | 4,546 | N/A | $24,000 | $3,004 |
1998 | 109 | 3,685 | N/A | $20,010 | $2,503 |
1997 | 99 | 3,504 | N/A | $18,500 | $2,587 |
1996 | 84 | 3,049 | N/A | $15,000 | $2,750 |
1995 | 75 | 2,822 | N/A | $20,000 | $3,109 |
Bull sale statistics compiled by Angus Australia are based on information provided to us by members and may not necessarily be a complete record of all Angus bulls sold by auction. In addition, the many Angus bulls sold by private treaty are not included in these statistics. Although all members will be contacted after each sale, if this information is not supplied by members, Angus Australia will refer to media publications and social media to compile statistics.
Entries are listed according to sale dates from January to December.
Registered Female sale statistics compiled by Angus Australia are based on information provided to us by members and may not necessarily be a complete record of all registered Angus females sold by auction. In addition, the many Angus females sold by private treaty are not included in these statistics. Although all members will be contacted after each sale, if this information is not supplied by members, Angus Australia will refer to media publications and social media to compile statistics.
Entries are listed in $NZ and split into yearling and 2 year old sale results.
Price: $360,000
Date: 27th July 2023
Name: Texas Thunderstruck T383
Born: 17/07/2022
Sire: Poss Rawhide
Vendor: Texas Angus
Buyer: Macka’s Angus
Price: $280,000
Date: 2 September 2021
Name: Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38
Born: 26/01/20
Sire: Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Buyer: Brooklana Angus
Price: $225,000
Date: 30 July 2021
Name: Texas Iceman R725
Born: 02/04/2020
Sire: Poss Maverick PV
Vendor: Texas Angus Angus
Buyer: Mackas Angus
Price: $ 160,000
Date: 5 September 2019
Name: Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15
Born: 29 January 2018
Sire: EF Commando 1366
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Buyer: Oldfield Angus Stud
Price: $ 150,000
Date: 3 September 2015
Name: Millah Murrah Kingdom K35
Born: 29 January 2014
Sire: Hingaia 469
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Buyer: Syndicate of ABS Australia, Witherswood, Gilmandyke and Ascot Angus
Price: $ 117,500
Date: 23 March 2013
Name: Irelands Galaxy G43
Born: 8 April 2011
Sire: Irelands Del Troit D2 VICD2
Vendor: Irelands Angus
Buyer: Adameluca Angus
Price: $ 110,000
Date: 24 August 2012
Name: KO Godfather NZCG31
Born: 15 March 2011
Sire: TC Aberdeen 759
Vendor: KO Angus
Buyer: Gilmandyke Angus
Price: $ 91,000
Date: 2 March 2011
Born: 9 August 2009
Sire: Te Mania Berkley B1
Vendor: Te Mania Angus
Buyer: Murdeduke Angus, ABS Australia, Aberdeen Estate Angus, Storth Oaks (NZ)
Price: $ 50,000 (EQUAL)
Date: 20 April 2010
Sale: Tuwharetoa Dispersal
Born: 8 September 2008
Sire: TeMania Ambassador A134
Vendor: Gaskin’s Twharetoa, Tarcutta, NSW.
Buyer: Dunoon, Holbrook, NSW, TeMania New Zealand and TeMania Australia.
Price: $ 50,000 (EQUAL)
Date: 24 February 2005
Sale: Banquet Annual On-Property Sale
Sire: Vermilion Dateline
Vendor: S & N Branson, Mortlake, Vic.
Buyer: Stephen Handbury, Hazelwynde Angus, Beveridge, Vic.
Price: $ 41,000 for ½ share and possession
Date: September 2003
Sale: Millah Murrah Annual Sale
Sire: CA Future Direction 5321
Vendor: Goonamurrah Pastoral Cp., Bathurst, NSW
Purchaser: J & J Woodruff, Witherswood, Glenrowan, Vic
Price: $ 40,000
Date: March 2003
Sale: Angus National Expo Wodonga, Vic.
Name: DYLEMMA RADAR W42, Lot 64
Sire: Brackenfield Radar (NZ)
Vendor: S & N Branson and GK Knowell, Mortlake, Vic
Purchaser: Tiola Pastoral Co, Future Angus, Mt Barker, SA
Price: $ 40,000 for ¾ share and possession
Date: March 1983
Sale: Angus National Wodonga, Vic
Sire: Zoro 666 of Kaharau (NZ)
Vendor: JG & E McKay, Cunderdin, WA
Purchaser: NZ Syndicate – Rob Cranswick, Parakowhai, Hawkes Bay, Pip Finlayson, Waihihi, Auckland, Rod McGregor, Innescreag, Waikato & Morgan Mulvanney, Rawhiti, Hawkes Bay
Price: $70,000
Date: 24 August 2022
Sale: Coffin Creek Bull Sale
Name: Coffin Creek S100
Sire: Milwillah Nardoo N155
Vendor: Coffin Creek Angus
Purchaser: Neil Bolte, Wing Vee Pastoral, Hargraves.
Price: $55,000
Date: 2 September 2021
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus Bull Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Paratrooper R250
Sire: Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Purchaser: Grant & Lisa Norman
Price: $ 34,000
Date: 6 September 2018
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus Bull Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Kingdom M192
Sire: Millah Murrah Kingdom K35
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Purchaser: The Hanigan and Deans families from Coonamble
Price: $ 27,000
Date: 2 May 1991
Sale: Hazeldean Bull Sale
Name: Hazeldean J453
Sire: Hazeldean 8761
Vendor: Hazeldean Pastoral Company, Cooma, NSW
Purchaser: Ed Blackadder, Wallaroy, Rosslyn, NSW
Avg Price: $43,652
No of bulls: 128
Date: 1 September 2022
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Top price $ 160,000
Avg Price: $34,221
No of bulls: 118
Date: 2 September 2021
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Top price $ 280,000
Avg Price: $20,967
No of bulls: 181
Date: 30 July 2021
Sale Texas Angus, Warialda NSW
Top price $ 225,000
Avg Price: $ 20,384
No of bulls: 78
Date: 3 September 2020
Top price: $ 60,000
Avg Price: $ 17,261
No of bulls: 69
Date: 5 September 2019
Top price: $ 160,000
Avg Price: $ 16,348
No of bulls: 109
Date: 1 September 2016
Top price: $ 85,000
Avg Price: $ 14,896
No of bulls: 105
Date: 3 September 2015
Top price: $ 150,000
Avg Price: $ 9,147
No of bulls: 95
Date: 4 September 2014
Top price: $ 70,000
Avg Price: $ 8,850
No. of bulls: 80
Date: 1 September 2011
Top price: $ 20,000
Avg Price: $ 8,637
No. of bulls: 51
Date: 24 August 2011
Top price: $ 18,000
Avg Price: $ 8,465
No. of bulls: 203
Date: 10 April 2002
Gross: $ 1,718,400
Top price: $ 22,000
Price: $ 190,000
Date: 19 October 2017
Sale: Millah Murrah Female Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Prue M4
Sire: Coonamble Hector H249
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Purchaser: Rodger Pryce, Brooklana Angus, Dorrigo NSW
Price: $ 54,000
Date: 19 October 2017
Sale: Millah Murrah Female Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Prue H112
Sire: Ythanbrae Henry VIII
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Purchaser: Shane Adams, East West Angus, Dunbible NSW
Price: $ 48,000
Date: 12 November 2013
Sale: Aberdeen Estate Angus Dispersal
Sire: Ardrossan Equator A241
Vendor: Aberdeen Estate Angus, Tumut NSW
Purchaser: Shaun Connolly, Redbank Angus, Eurobodolla NSW
Price: $ 45,000
Date: 22 March 2010
Sale: Vermont Dispersal
Sire: Ardrossan Connection X15
Vendor: Vermont Angus, Penshurst, VIC
Purchaser: Keith Kerridge, Bannaby Angus, Taralga, NSW
Price: $ 38,000
Date: 29 March 2008
Sale: Sydney Royal Show
Name: BANQUET KITE A197 with a heifer calf at foot.
Sire: BT Right Time 24J
Vendor: S & N Branson, Banquet Angus, Mortlake, Vic
Purchaser: Stephen Handbury, Anvil Angus, Alexandra, Vic
Price: $ 34,000
Date: November 2003
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus Female Sale
Sire: Ythanbrae N33
Vendor: Goonamurrah Pastoral Cp., Bathurst, NSW
Purchaser: J & J Woodruff, Witherswood, Glenrowan, Vic
Price: $ 30,000
Date: 9-10 May 2003
Sale: Comfort Hill female herd dispersal
Name: COMFORT HILL KANANGAS T171 with heifer calf by Comfort Hill Stockman U153
Sire: RR Scotch Cap 9440
Vendor: M & D Ball, Sutton Forest, NSW
Purchaser: Alex McLachlan, Talis Angus, Glenquarry, NSW
Price: $ 27,000
Date: March 2002
Sale: Angus National Wodonga, Vic
Name: BANQUET DREAM T34 with heifer calf by Banquet Urch U102
Sire: Te Mania Tuffnut(NZ)
Vendor: S & N Branson, Warrnambool, Vic
Purchaser: Annette Tynan, Birubi Angus, Crookwell, NSW
Price: $ 140,000
Date: 8 September 2022
Sale: Circle 8 30th Anniversary Bull and Female Sale
Name: Circle 8 Rosebud S669
Born: Aug 20 2021
Dam: G A R 28 AMBUSH L119#
Vendor: Circle 8 Angus, Marulan NSW
Purchaser: Robert Mackenzie from Mackas Angus, Salt Ash NSW
Price: $ 38,000
Date: 21 February 2006
Sale: The Grange Annual Sale
Born: Aug 7 2005
Sire: B/R New Dimension 7127
Dam: Davis YR Blackbird 558H
Vendor: Astrik Pty Ltd, Hamilton, Vic
Purchaser: Alpine Angus, Porepunkah, Vic and Vermont Angus, Penshurst, Vic
Price: $ 26,000
Date: 9-10 May 2003
Sale: Comfort Hill female herd dispersal
Sire: Vermilion Yellowstone
Vendor: M & D Ball, Sutton Forest, NSW
Purchaser: Ardrossan, Braidwood & Karoo Syndicate, NSW
Avg Price: $29,730
No. of females: 170
Date: 20 April 2023
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Top price: $140,000
Avg Price: $20,950
No. of females: 78
Date: 8 September 2022
Sale: Circle 8 30th Anniversary Bull and Female Sale, Marulan NSW
Top price: $140,000
Avg Price: $13,709
No. of females: 234
Date: 19 October 2017
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst NSW
Top price: $190,000
Avg Price: $8,494
No. of females: 260
Date: 25 May 2017
Sale: Wattletop Angus, Guyra NSW
Top price: $38,000 (twice)
Avg Price: $8,039
No. of females: 77
Date: 26 October 2015
Sale: Coonamble Angus, Bremer Bay Via Borden WA
Top price: $18,000 (twice)
Avg Price: $7,960
No. of females: 112
Date: 24 April 2013
Top price: $28,000
Price: $11,000
Date: 6 August 2022
Sale: Sugarloaf Angus Sale
Description: 3 PTIC heifers with calves
Vendor: Jim Tickle, Sugarloaf Angus Sale, Sugarloaf, NSW
Price: $5,800
Date: 15 January 2022
Sale: Maitland NSW Store Sale
Description: 7 Angus heifers & calves
Vendor: Weirick and Senn
Purchaser: Craig Kennedy
Price: $5,100
Date: 1 October 2021
Sale: Talooby Angus Sale
Description: 5 Angus heifers rejoined & calves
Vendor: Talooby Angus
Purchaser: Sold via AuctionsPlus
Price: $4,800 (record equal)
Date: 12 March 2021
Sale: Reiland Premier Angus Breeder Sale at Gundagai
Description: 10 Angus heifers PTIC & calves
Vendor: Reiland Angus
Purchaser: Peter and Narelle Clout, Coolac.
Price: $4,800
Date: 12 February 2021
Sale: Gloucester Female Sale
Description: 24 Angus cows with first and second calves
Vendor: The Denyer family, Denell Partnership, Belbora, NSW
Purchaser: Peter Madden, Malacco Farm, Mondrook, NSW
Price: $ 4,100
Date: 5 April 2017
Sale: Monterey Ladies Day Sale
Description: 5 Commercial Angus cows with calves by Vermont Duke E193.
Vendor: G and R.J Buller, Karridale, WA
Purchaser: Rob Italiano, Harvey, WA.
Price: $ 3,400
Date: 3 November 2005
Sale: Millah Murrah Commercial Female Sale
Description: Pen of 11 four year old commercial Angus cows with heifer calves by Millah Murrah Woody W100.
Vendor: Goonamurrah Pastoral Co, Bathurst, NSW
Purchaser: Malcolm McLaurin, Corrie Vale Pastoral Company, ‘Greylands’, Cowra, NSW.
Price: $ 2,700
Date: November 2001
Sale: Millah Murrah Female Sale
Description: Commercial 2 year old females with 6 weeks old calves by Registered Angus bulls
Vendor: Goonamurrah Pastoral Co., Bathurst, NSW
Purchaser: Rossander Angus, Warrnambool, Vic
Price: $6,500
Date: 6 August 2022
Sale: Sugarloaf Angus Sale
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus Heifers
Vendor: Jim Tickle, Sugarloaf Angus Sale, Sugarloaf, NSW
Price: $4,600
Date: 26 March 2021
Sale: Brooklana Online Heifer Sale
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus Heifers
Vendor: Brooklana Angus, Dorrigo, NSW
Purchaser: J Zuvela
Price: $4,100 (EQUAL)
Date: 7 January 2021
Sale: Nutrien Livestock Mated Beef Female sale, Boyanup WA
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers
Vendor: Harris Family, Treeton Lake
Purchaser: G & K Nicolaou & Son, Manjimup
Price: $4,100 (EQUAL)
Date: 7 January 2021
Sale: Nutrien Livestock Mated Beef Female sale, Boyanup WA
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers
Vendor: GW & J Oliver, Kirup
Purchaser: ND & BJ Holdsworth, Bridgetown
Price: $ 3,900
Date: 27 August 2020
Sale: Gilmandyke Angus Bull Sale
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers
Vendor: Gilmandyke Angus
Purchaser: Killain Angus, Tamworth NSW
Price: $ 3,650
Date: 5 January 2017
Sale: Boyanup Landmark Specially Selected Breeders Sale
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers.
Vendor: M & P Harris & family, Treeton Lake, Cowaramup, WA
Purchaser: M & F Armstrong, Northcliffe. WA
Price: $ 3,060 (per head for pen of 30)
Date: 20 October 2016
Sale: Wodonga Store Cattle Sale
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers, 20-22 months.
Vendor: Ian Seidel & Family, ‘Buckingbong’, Narrandera NSW
Purchaser: John Ingha, Yea VIC
Price: $ 2,700 (per head for pen of 20)
Date: 25 February 2016
Sale: Banquet Sale, Mortlake, VIC.
Description: PTIC Commercial Angus heifers, 13 months.
Vendor: MJ & RF Patterson, Mortlake, VIC.
Purchaser: Killain Angus, Tamworth, NSW.
Price: $ 2,600 (per head for pen of 10)
Date: 5 May 2005
Sale: Hazeldean Annual on-property Commercial Female Sale, Cooma, NSW.
Description: Commercial Angus heifers, 2.5 years, PTIC to APR Hazeldean bulls.
Vendor: Hazeldean Pastoral Company, Cooma, NSW.
Purchaser: Bacon Family, Bundook, NSW
Price: $5,000
Date: 6th August 2022
Sale: Sugarloaf Angus Sale
Description: Commercial Angus Heifers
Vendor: Jim Tickle, Sugarloaf Angus Sale, Sugarloaf, NSW
Price: $4,800
Date: 29th July 2022
Sale: Knowla Livestock Sale
Description: Commercial Angus Heifers
Vendor: Knowla Angus, Moppy via Gloucester, NSW
Price: $4,200*
Date: 30th July 2021
Sale: Knowla Livestock Annual Sale
Description: Commercial Angus Heifers
Vendor: Knowla Angus, Moppy via Gloucester, NSW
*Angus Australia has not kept a record for this category previously, so if anyone knows of a higher price, please contact
Price: $360,000
Date: 27th July 2023
Name: Texas Thunderstruck T383
Born: 17/07/2022
Sire: Poss Rawhide
Vendor: Texas Angus
Buyer: Macka’s Angus
Price: $110,000
Date: 2 September 2021
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus Bull Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Rolls Royce R275
Sire: Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Purchaser: Heart Angus & Hallmark Angus (NZ)
Price: $54,000
Date: 6 September 2018
Sale: Millah Murrah Angus Bull Sale
Name: Millah Murrah Nugget N266
Sire: Ascot Hallmark H147
Vendor: Millah Murrah Angus
Purchaser: Alexander Down Group